Monday, February 25, 2019

My winning SNL ticket entry essay.

I won tickets to a taping of Saturday Night Live! This is a dream come true! You can read all about my experience with the lottery and the actual show in the posts below.

In this post, I wanted to share my entry that earned me the tickets; I am very proud of it. 

I have been a "Wild and Crazy" fan of Saturday Night Live since that fateful night when my father plucked me from bed and sat me down in front of the TV to show me "something that you’re gonna love, Laura." He was right, and I proceeded to laugh my five-year-old butt off as I watched the Minkman brothers quality-check their squirting gag toilets and demonstrate faulty finger traps. What was this glorious show that aired so late past my bedtime!? Ah, this golden and formative memory has forever linked my life with that of Saturday Night Live’s, cultivated during my youthful "gag humor" years wherein I was never without my plastic sheet of vomit, my hand buzzer, or my Whoopie cushion. (My sense of humor has, of course, matured since then, but let's be honest, not by much.)

My point is, I've been watching SNL since those halcyon mid-80s years and have delighted in following the show as it evolved, serving to mirror and mock modern times as they unfold before us. From Eddie Murphy's “Hot Tub James Brown” to the glorious skewering of today’s Trump administration, my eyes, my ears, and my imagination have been yours.

That is why I think I should earn tickets to this upcoming taping season. Why? I, undoubtedly, will be a life-long SNL fan because I delight in the subversive, champion the creative, and indulge in the humorous. I eternally applaud and cheer on the enthusiastic talent breaking the rules, spreading their wings, and creating a comedic culture all their own within the walls of Studio 8H. I also really love to laugh. I think I've earned these tickets with my lifelong devotion!

I've been entering the SNL ticket lottery ever since I was of age to do so. So please, I beg of you, make this “Bucket List” dream come true for me! Let me join SNL’s legacy and witness the magic "live" for myself. Attending a taping would be like reliving that storied night back in the 80s when I was first transfixed by live comedy springing to life before my eyes.

To sum it up, I’m as loyal a fan as you can get - not a fair-weather fan, but a true, quality, lifelong fan of SNL who WOULD LOVE these tickets! As Herb and Al Minkman might proclaim, she’s no cheap knockoff… “She’s a Minkman!”

© L. Maire Maggio, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.